Blogging the lazy way
Note: This little guide is focussing on GitLab, you can also setup a blog with GitHub Pages if that’s your preference.
Allow me to introduce you to GitLab Pages. In short, you get a free git repo here with support for Hugo which is a static website generator based on Markdown. And the end result will show up on
without your having to worry about domains or hosting. Sounds good? Let’s see how to set it up quickly.
First step, make sure you have an account at or create one now if you don’t. Conceptually you could of course replicate these steps on a self-hosted GitLab instance, GitHub or another hosting option of your choosing - I will be using GitLab in this howto. Consequently 🍴Fork the default template and select your user account. Afterwards you should end up at what looks pretty much the same (so don’t be tempted to fork your own fork again) but with your username in the URL.
Second step, run the pipeline once. We haven’t made any changes to the template at this point. This is only to confirm the new blog is in place. This is going to update automatically later.1 But it’s a good opportunity to see how the blog is built going forward. Under Settings > CI/CD you will find Pipelines which will then say There are currently no pipelines. Hit the green Run Pipeline button to change that. And once more, Run Pipeline in the next screen. Get a cup of tea, coffee or perhaps a glass of water whilst the pipeline is running - it’s important to stay hydrated 🍵👍.
Third step, go to Settings > General. Go down to Advanced > Change path > Path. Rename your repository from hugo
where the username
portion is your account’s username. This will make this blog the default for your toplevel domain. The change is instant - if the domain gives you a 404 error, check for typos and try again. Of course if you wanted the blog in a subfolder instead, you can also use a name like blog
or keep the default hugo
instead. Just take this into account later when filling in metadata.
Posting the hugo way
Finally let’s edit our new blog. Depending on your test there’s two ways to do this. You can clone the repo and use your favorite local editor. Assuming basic knowledge of git the Clone button should give you a URL which you use like this:
git clone
You can also just use the web interface and use ➕ New file to add a file. For the purposes of setting up and editing your page both works just fine.
Adding a new post, which is the most important part, is as simple as adding a new file to the folder content/post
. Name the new file something like
. The pattern here is the date of the post in ISO format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD
with the month coming second. As for the post itself:
title: From zero to hero
subtitle: You only live once
date: 2021-02-10T09:12:17+01:00
tags: ["yolo", "hero", "opportunities"]
type: post
The metadata is probably pretty self-descriptive. The date contains a time here. On a linux system you could use date --iso-8601=seconds
to get the current date and time in this format, which is YY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
with a T
in the middle and your local timezone in the end. Tags will be used throughout your site as you use them. This is written as a YAML document, so the list of tags resembles an array in Javascript. Picking two or three is proably a good idea so readers can easily browse or subscribe by topic.
### Intro
et situs vilate inis et avernit.
You can [add external links]( using square brackets here, make font **bold**, *cursive* or ~deleted~. The format supported here includes exteions from [GitHub Flavored Markdown]( which you may already be familiar with, footnotes[^1] and pictures:

And of course source code:
console.log('hello world');
- And
- lists
[^1]: Strictly speaking this isn't standard Markdown either.
You can also browse the existing posts for further inspiration. Saving this first post is as simple as creating the file via the web editor or via a few simple commands:
git add -a
git commit -p -v
git push origin HEAD
Whichever way you chose, take a little break while your page is automatically being updated. If you want some reassurance, consider a little exercise. Remember the pipelines mentioned earlier? See if you remember how to find them and look at what’s happening there. 🤓
Configuring your new blog like a boss
To wrap things up you will want to also edit config.toml
at the root of your repository:
should use your account’s username, i.e.
- The
section contains various fields for social networks that you can fill out or remove as needed. - Review the
sections. My suggestion would be to drop everything except for About and Tags for now.
To add a bit of a personal touch and make the site more identifiable next to a gazillion other tabs in the browser, you may want to change both logo
and favicon
to "avatar.png"
and drop an image file by that name into the static
folder (be sure to git add
the new file).
That leaves deleting the file content/
(or you can fill in something to show on the front page) and updating content/page/
for good measure.
A little work-around for theming ABI changes
Note: Due to a bug caused by an upstream behavior change you will want to edit themes/beautifulhugo/layouts/index.html
and change
{{ $pag := .Paginate (where .Data.Pages "Type" "post") }}
to read
{{ $pag := .Paginate (where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections) }}
because otherwise the homepage only says Posts rather than listing all of your posts.
Can I get that syndicated, please
Of course to make the most of this, I will recommend one more step. And this depends a bit on your audience. You may want to find a planet to share your posts with a wider audience automatically. Users won’t have to be reading your blog, but could be browsing topics in a bigger collection.
If you’re looking to setup something new, planet.rb or worldcrab might be worth a look. To add your blog to you can follow these simple steps:
- Login or sign up with GitHub
- Fork openSUSE/planet-o-o
- Edit
is your account’s username
The section you want to add looks something like this:
title = The title of my blog
feed =
link =
location = en
Push this to a branch and open a PR. Once this is reviewed your blog will show up on Planet openSUSE!
Here you go
These steps should have set you up for very easy, as in create-a-new-file easy, blogging with about the effort needed to file an issue, describe a merge request (or pull request) or write a book (on for example). I hope you’re enjoying your new blog!
It’s a bit of a buzzword, but gitops is really cool and you can automate server deployment, builds and more that way. ↩︎